It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Thinking is simply memory, adaption and projection. You learn and make educated guesses. I think we are much closer to building a sentient computer than we think.

Something happens, you remember it. You adapt your existence, everything you do, based on every decision you make. Decisions are the projection part.

You want to go to lunch with some friends. You do not want so and so to come. That is a decision based on some memory of so and so. You have adapted your lunch eating habits.

There is not much more to thinking than that. When doing math, you take rules you have learned and apply them to situations. You project in to the future in dry runs for math problems to make sure you are on the correct path or to solve a problem. When something doesn't fit, you have to diagnose. Are you using the correct rules? Did you make the correct decisions and put numbers in the correct places? You combine these skills to project the next move and eventually get to the answer.

The tools for thinking are simple. I think we need to work on the projection portion of the equation.

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