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Health Care

End of life care is on fire at the moment. I've already gone over what I want in this blog. I've made sure others know what I want.The discussion is over "death panels" which is not what was in the bill. End of life care means you are asked what you want and you decide how hard people are to work to keep you alive. How much money is the last three or four shitty years or months of your life worth?

I am pro-socialized medicine. I'm not concerned with the health care industry. I have a couple things I want in the bill or pie in the sky wants I suppose.

  • People need health care access without it being attached to their employment. When you get sick, the first thing you lose is your job.
  • We have socialized medicine right now. It is called an emergency room. This method is not working. I know people who think it is free and that you don't have to pay to see a doctor if you go to the emergency room. No, I pay for it with my insurance.
  • Limit malpractice compensation and limit how much lawyers can make off health care related cases. It would be great to me if all you would get out of a malpractice suit is the doctor's license revoked, or the appropriate people in jail for negligence.
  • I want to be able to walk in to any clinic in the U. S. and talk to a doctor without fear of a wild bill for thousands of dollars.
  • Figure out why there are so many tests run that do not need to be run and make it stop. Run the tests when they are needed, but not when they are not needed. It isn't rocket science.

That can't be it. There has to be more. Maybe if I did this for a living I could come up with 400 some odd pages of legalese on the subject.

Clinton wanted to make every one buy insurance weather they wanted it or not. The fact that young healthy people and many others fall out of the bottom of the system is only one reason the costs are higher.

McCain wanted to tax health benefits from work. Tax every goddamn thing why don't you? I mean come on. If you tax people to death, they are dead and you get no more tax out of them. At some point, you end up with communism because every one is working for the government regardless of what it says on your check. Now we are going to get both, taxed and mandatory.

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