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Presidential race update

I would still vote for Hillery today.

If you want Bill Clinton with balls, vote for Hillery. If you want Jimmy Carter with a bit more charisma, then you want Obama.

I'm less sick of all the hype than I've been in the past. There are ways to avoid the constant drone of bullshit that spews forth from the news outlets. The MSM seems very distracted by the  stats voting for their favorite brand. The states keep trying to one-up each other. Pretty soon we will have to vote for toddlers. I just don't put much weight in the primaries. I suppose they are good to let the losers know they do not have the backing of the party.

Hillery said the other Democrats are taking bullets straight out of the Republican play book. She did the same thing a couple of days ago. She is still the best candidate to me. That is a sad statement because I think she will suck as a president. I have an odd feeling she will end up being another Nixon in some way. There are just no better alternatives for me right now.

Are there any Republicans in the race? I remember Republican candidates. You know, back in the day.

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