It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Nat and I are off to fare this afternoon. I do not have any dark pants for under the armor. I have not had a tank top in over a decade. We bought a huge tent and a cooler. I've never owned a cooler before. The weather has cooled slightly just in time. The skys are overcast, but not too rainy. I packed some things like a crappy  electric lantern and the walky-talkies. I just don't know what I'm doing. I have a bad feeling this weekend is going to be a mess. Oh, well. It will still be fun.
I got the first IM from Ken and Heath before 7:00 AM. They had the first tent up by 11:30. These are not the kind user friendly pup-tents you find at Academy. (like ours) These are Army tents. Think M. A. S. H. mess tent. These things are enormous and I'm sure a pain for a novas to set up. Hell, the tent we bought last night gives me the willies. It is a modern, user friendly, spring loaded tent that looks like it should be easy to set up. I'll prove them wrong, just watch. It should be fun. We are not going to get there until later, so I bet we will end up sleeping in a corner of one of the big tents.
There is no Internet access out there that I am aware of, so posting will be light until at least Sunday evening, or more likely Monday evening after work. I hope to get some pictures. I'm also going to have to get some cloths and perhaps some accessories for the wedding. It is going to be a busy couple of days.]

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