It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Then and Now

I have the tools. I imagine myself writing with a pencil on a sheet of paper something to the amount of amazing. Nothing comes really. I do enjoy the idea of having written. There is just nothing there. i have no lust. No drive. No will of my own for the feat.

One must know and want and strive. I do not. When I’m gone, the world will carry on. I will have left few dents. The sun will shine and the earth shall turn just as well without me as with.

The most magical thing I own is my Fisher Space Pen. I have owned it for 15 or so years and it is still on the first capsule. I keep it in my wallet and it has outlived 5 or 6 of them. Let’s just say it was a wonderful gift from my mother. It has saved me many times. I’ve signed for a house and a car with it. I have written important things down with it.

It has never been any different.

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