It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Buddy of mine who moved to Germany is now addicted to Club-Mate.

Greece is hitting the point of rats leaving the ship. I do not think it will be long before people begin to starve in the streets and ask to be refugees to other countries. It will be interesting to find out if the rest of Europe honors the freedom of movement thing when a million fellow Euro-Europeans turn up on their doorstep with their hands out.

Do not live today for everyone else. Do not live today for the one you love. Live today for the one who matters, the one who loves the one who makes a difference. Live today for yourself. No one else is going to live for you. When you wake tomorrow, forget today. Start from there and make a the day yours.
I have never lived a day like this. Not one. But you can. You must. Do it for me.

I’m trying to think of the last time I was caught up on The Writer’s Almanac. I’m still not. I like having a few there if and when I need them.

Perfect analogy. Well, about as good as it gets these days.

Stand against Russia, but who has the balls to stand these days?

The idea here is to flood the engineering market and bring down prices, not make everything nice and friendly.l

Dry run. Well, wet run really. On third thought, no one died so it is perhaps a dry run. I wonder what the real details are. Does it look like someone was blackmailing the airline, or were they trying to kill people? Scary stuff. More.

Cluster-fuck of cluster-fucks. For the most double talking president, Obama is shit at negotiating.

I forgot India made cruise missiles. This one sounds like a winner. Wonder how cheap it is.

You know, Logan Farms makes a damn fine club sandwich. There is nothing all that unique about it. They have just gotten the balance correct. The bread is perfectly toasted. The meat and cheese are just right. The tomato is not too much. The may is the perfect amount. It is real mayo. All the bits are fresh. Even the bacon is not too distracting from the rest of the sandwich. If I want a BLT, I’ll order one.

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