It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



At some point, you need to let sex offenders rejoin society, or you should just lock them up forever. I prefer a case by case judgement by experienced judiciaries. Creating this multiple tier society is not going to work in the long run.

Be careful what you wish for. More. The citizenry attacking the police is a lot like the AIDS virus. AIDS attacks the immune system. The treatment simply takes up the space on the immune system’s cells that the AIDS virus attaches to. This stops (most of the time) the virus from attacking the immune cells. How can we apply this same idea to police and citizenry? Well, putting masks on the cops. That is something they did in Nazi Germany. It worked for a while. We do it here in riots sometimes and during “raids”. Why not all the time?

The above paragraph is satire by the way. I dislike having to point these things out. It is necessary for the legions of idiots trolling their way round the internet. The previous sentence isn’t satire, it is a fact.

Truth about climate trade. Well one truth. Well one opinion backed by real numbers and evidence. That makes it a fact doesn’t it?

Garbage in, garbage out. How you phrase the question matters.

More likely to protect than harm. That is one hell of a quote.

To change your mind requires a second thought. To have a second thought, you must have a big brain.

Armed choppers headed to Texas Mexico border. OK, 2 choppers. It is a start.

Fuck these people. Sometimes one group has done a better job than another. Suck it.
OK, Now you know what an aggression, micro or otherwise, sounds like.

Infographic of the day. Lots of people die for politics.

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