It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



I have one foot firmly planted on both sides of this issue. The patriot act is a poorly named bill. The so frightened you give up all your freedom act is a much better name.

Democracy falls apart when the people vote themselves money. They can’t say they didn’t see it coming. When Greece tells Europe to go fuck itself, the world will all feel the echoes.

Don’t give me a reason to like ISIS. This can only go well. We need to get a Kickstarter up.

Racial profiling, where it does and does not exist. Believe it or not, there is a time for using all factors for identifying threats regardless of political correctness. Thoughts?

Some people at my work don’t come in until after 10:00 am. The thing is, many of them work to past 20:00 routinely to get the job done. Please do not give any of them crap about it. It stuck out this morning when someone who qualifies for this description who was working with someone in the UK had to hurry and catch her before she left for the day. There is only a five or six hour difference this time of year. It is a different approach. I remember the days of getting to work at 6:00 (am) and leaving at 15:30. You have half a day left to get things done. You might even be able to make an appointment for a doctor or dentist. Those days are gone.

How do you define a gang member? How do you define anything or anyone? Once you start slapping labels on someone they rebel.

Yikes. Don’t let your cat lick your eye. All kinds of nasty in that rough tongue. One more reason to avoid cats.

Frigging IRS. We don’t want to tell you who is stealing your money. That sounds like work.

All Iran has to do is keep saying no. What is this “non binding opinion.” bullshit. China and Russia get vetoed.This is ridiculous. Some call this an elaborate fiction. It is not fiction. It is all too real. It is a nightmare.

Who is buying ISIS oil? Someone is ponying up the cash for their oil. They are sitting on a tidy nest egg.

I remember asking about this in the nineties. I saw an automated blood test that told you how much insulin to use. I’m like “Why can’t they just implant that and make it automatically pump the insulin?” Well,, it took a while but they sound like they are for real.

Audio cast - Very frightening robot learning discussion. Other cool stuff too.

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