It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.




I’m listening to the BBC. Someone just said “Job guarantee for young people” or words to that effect. There are no guarantees. The best way to provide jobs is to provide the ecosystem for exchange. Don’t tax business and people to death. Beware of people who want to regulate the market out of ruin. Typically, that is how markets get in to ruin.

England is the land of “Keep calm and carry on.” The U. S. is the land of the bottomless coffee cup.


Whose side are they on? Oh, wait, it’s obvious.

Cars kill more people than guns at the moment. Schools teach kids how to handle cars. Why not how to handle guns safely?

Word of the day Tesseract. I cannot do what it is justice so go read tge Wikipedia entry. These show up in video games. That was the first place I heard the term.

We were just talking about cost vs benefit of military weaponry at lunch this afternoon.

Years of war ahead. Again, spoke of this at lunch today.

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