It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



I usually prefer a medium roast coffee. Adam informed me that in many cases less fresh beans are used in dark roasts. There is no way I have that discerning of a taist. It must just be a coincidence.

In dominance, a bottom is sometimes referred to as a coaster. I will never be able to keep a straight face when my mother tells me to use a coaster from this point on. Thanks Adam Carolla.

I think recruiting weather people for Climate Change proselytizing is a huge mistake. It is worse than having lawyers tell you how to throw a football. The weather on my phone is not even correct for the weather outside my window. The weather people are wrong more than right. Except for telling people to prepare for hurricanes and the like, they should keep their heads down and be thankful they have a job.where facts are not an issue

I dream of the day I can be a user again. Will this day ever come, or have I gone too far?

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