It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Lunch Conversation

  • Phones
    • I almost bought Minecraft on my phone last night.
    • Interfaces are changing. There are some games that use a second phone as an additional controler.
  • Beck’s buffalo burger contains no buffalo.
  • Weather
  • Work
  • Asshole pedestrians who block the driveway while ignoring the walkway right next to them.
    • My wife would have loved this conversation.

A huge group of people left just as our huge group was heading in the door. Good timing.

Last time we went to this restaurant. it poured rain on the way back. This time we took a bunch of cars the 200m to the door of the burger joint. There was little more than a calm summer sprinkle.

For one brief moment I thought six people were all headed to a 5 passenger car. I was drooling over the idea of vlogging riding in the trunk to the restaurant.

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