It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



“The problem with the roads in China is that people typically buy cars before learning how to drive.” Spoken about Chinese drivers by a Chinese driver in China. Reported on some random blog I don’t remember. From memory of course. it stuck with mel for a while after I heard it.

Thatcher died. She was a tough old broad.

I listen to audiocasts (podcasts) at work. Some of them are in MP3 format. Some stream just fine. Others do not. The only way I can get some of them to work is to download them and play them in an external player. I do not have an external player so I have to use a video editor. I add the track, place the track, wait for the analyzer thing to finish, then set the read point to the front of the track. Then, I can hit play. I believe the reason we don’t have access to MP3 software at work is because they harm productivity. No more I’m sure than not having access to them. Having a relaxing escape while working must help productivity.

People do not prefer Microsoft Windows. They cling to it like a teddybear in the dark.

I listened to Penn Jillette podcast today and learned more about the U. S. Supreme Court than I had previously known. Thanks Penn.

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