It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



There is another generation of people coming up right now who will never vote Republican. Republicans have become the permanent party of the gentry and racists. There is no hope. What in the world can a PR firm due to fix the catastrophe that has become of the conservative entity? “Conservative” has become a curse. How long before kids are calling one another Republicans in the playground?

I do not want to call myself a Republican because I do not want the distaste that comes along with it. I do not like or dislike Republicans or Democrats. I like people and I dislike people. I really prefer it seems to hang out with Democrats.

The Republican party needs to split. I’ve spoken on this topics many times. In ten years there will not be a Republican party. They will get voted out of every office because they do not understand that they survive, as with all democratic governments,  on the opinion of stupid people to survive. Democratic party has controlled that demographic to great effect.

You control the way stupid people think the same way you control cats. You put a shiny dot on the wall and wiggle it around. A couple of the cats will investigate. The rest of the cats will investigate the couple of moving cats. This is highly politically incorrect, but true nonetheless.
Blond leading the blind

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