It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Dell is going private. They have had issues keeping up with changes in the market. Things are going from PCs to devices. The server industry is still there. The device movement sells more servers, not fewer. Dell is probably looking at spinning off the PC side of things and an IBM repeat. That would be easier if you don’t have quarter by quarter stockholders breather down your neck.

APM has a show called Marketplace. It is obvious that the market numbers are a big bringer to their show because they hold it off until halfway through. They also taunt the listeners with it. “Keep listening. The numbers are coming right up.” I listen to the show and all but ignore the numbers.

I used the earplugs at work today while sitting in the lab for about an hour. They worked very well. They really did seem to lower my stress level a bit. Things were trying to burn down in front of me and I refused to let it.

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