It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


No guns, no police

First you take the means for people to protect themselves. Then you take the resources the state proves. What are they going to do, defend themselves? Not without guns in their hands.

Under those circumstances people naturally wondering whether they can keep relying on it for their essential safety and well-being. Recently the Chicago Police Department announced that it would no longer respond “in person” to 911 calls, allegedly in order to free up policemen to fight crime.
Officers will be dispatched if a suspect is still at the scene or is expected to return immediately, the victim is not considered safe or needs medical attention, an officer could make an immediate arrest or an officer is needed for an immediate investigation, McCaffrey added.

The Belmont Club also quoted something in there. I put the quote in italics.

More hope and change form our overlords. Chicago has some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the nation. Seem to be poorly effective in lowering the level of crime.

Isn’t this the way it has always been in big cities? I remember a friend of mine calling 911 when she found her front door open when it should not have been. An officer cleared her house and showed her that the lock was malfunctioning, that’s why the door was not shut. That is why I pay taxes. That kind of stuff and streets and sewers and such.

One of the most effective ways to get a cop to show up while in a 911 call is to say “I’m armed and will defend myself if you don’t get here right now.” or words to that effect. (or is it affect?)

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