It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Wow, I’m sick of hearing about politics. Every time I hear or see anything about politics these days  I want to just change the channel. I firmly believe that no one will fix the issue. It doesn’t matter who wins the presidency. This whole focus on the presidency is a distraction. It is a bit of fluff.

People scream about going green and then complain about the noise of the wind turbines and how ugly solar panels are. It will just never balance out. Things change too quickly these days for things to find equilibrium.  Make prettier solar panels. Make quieter wind turbines. Think camouflage. Think placement (hiding things) Innovate, overcome, shut up. I feel the same way about green and climate change.

Some estimates say 95% of cotton produced in the U. S. goes overseas. I believe it. It was a story about immigration and labor in the U. S.. The story was about letting people be Americans. What I took away from the story is that the U. S. died a while ago. We are living on her corpse. I’m starting to believe that it will not matter who wins the next election. It does not matter how hard the people fight for freedom. The decisions have been made.

It’s funny listening to the U. K. federal level government argue over building codes. In the U. K., many things that are handled at the state and even city level in the U. S. wind up in the highest levels for debate. It is just a different way of doing things, but it smacks me sometimes.

Some people have a “What have you done for me lately?” point of view regarding our current president. Others have an “I told you so.” bend. Many others, including myself, say “All of these people are just plane out to get everything they can out of the taxpayer and retire.” I wonder if the number of cynics in the U. S. has risen since the beginning of the latest economic downturn.

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