It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



For every kilo of plankton in the sea, there are 6 kilos of plastic. I’m ashamed to be human right now.

One of the vlogs I watched mentioned that he doesn’t have a blooper reel at the end of his videos any more because he stopped screwing up as much. My life feels like a blooper reel most of the time. The interesting bits do anyway. The rest of it is mostly snoring.

How do you tell a friend with benefits person that the benefits portion of the friendship has expired? These things happen.

Spent a bit of my day crawling around the ceiling. We ran some wires. It amazes me how difficult it is to predict how long a wire you are going to need to span across three rooms. I felt sick from all the dust that we kicked up. Should wear a mask when I’m poking around up there. I already wear a headlamp.

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