It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



In Spain, 50% of "youth" are unemployed.

I want to write down things that strike me about my surroundings. Not that anyone will care. I feel the need to document myself and the bits of the world that I bump in to.

Some of the programs that I'm used to using on a daily basis have been criticized for not updating their user interface to work with Windows 8. Some of the software companies counter by saying the interface they have works. The counter to this is basically that "works" doesn't mean "works well". The thing is, Windows 8 is a wholesale change of interface. People are not going to like old stile and new stile mixes of software. I have ranted that the interface is a side line for Microsoft. I don't think they care about the interface changes. Microsoft wants an App store and everything else be dammed.

I like productive meetings. There are productive meetings. I hate unproductive meetings. There are unproductive meetings. There are meetings that exist to make someone happy (get them off other people's backs). This kind of thing happens at every company.

Some guy at Microsoft, an ex employee, put some rant up on a web page about the ineptness at Microsoft. His name now shows up at the top of Google searches. He will have some awkward questions to answer at interviews. I'm not going to put his name up here because I don't want to give him the link. Is there a keyword specific block for search engines?

I found something interesting today. I found an online HTML editor. It is almost complete. I think these folks want to provide the code for you to run this on your server. It looks pretty good for what it is. Now I wonder why more programs don't have something like this shoved inside them so people can do a better job of expressing themselves. I think I still prefer just writing the code myself. They will never please me when it comes to laying out the HTML. I'm not particularly good at HTML, but I know what I like.

A podcast commentator read out the horrible translation of a French news report about a guy who was blown up by a grenade sent to him from a friend. Not sure it is legal to send grenades through the mail in any country. This guy was a lawyer. He was killed. No news on who the friend was. The neighboring offices were damaged. Some bystanders were injured. I've learned to read through these things for facts. He was tickled by the grammar and his translation of the translation. I would suggest trying a Chinese news story about anything. Now, that is a translation in need of translation.

A friend and I had a discussion about button fly vs zipper fly. Zipper fly is easier to take care of when necessary, but button fly jeans are more comfortable. We pondered it must be the double stitching of the zipper fly jeans. It takes me several seconds to button up. It is embarrassing to stand at the uranyl fiddling with my fly until I'm done. I feel the need to explain myself to anyone who is standing there trying very hard not to pay any attention to what I'm doing.

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