It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



One of the podcasts I listen to said that Facebook is taking down pictures of women breast feeding. There have been some protests. I say if it is allowed in public then Facebook should be obliged to allow it as best as they can in the areas where it is permitted. This may not always be logistically possible. I don't have a problem with breast feeding. However, if there is a county in BFE that allows public urination, or does not specifically prohibit it, I do not want to see it scroll past my feed. There should be lines.

Only 40% of the unemployed qualify for unemployment.

I remember a cartoon that was a daddy car, a mama car, and a baby car. The baby car became a teenager and had himself supped up. He filled up with Ethyl and crashed round a corner. The same cartoon was done with nearly the same plot and outcome with planes. The baby plane was a jet. It was about prejudice. The thing that reminded me of this was a Signal Gas Ethyl advertisement in one of the old time radio shows that I listen to online.

Lunch conversation consisted entirely of small talk. I cannot for the life of me remember a single bullet. I remember laughing at some jokes and thinking the conversation went well. I have a hard time with talking to people so I rate myself on how my conversation skills went after talking to a small group like that.

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