It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



One sixth of all meat in the world is consumed by one twentieth of the population. That one twentieth of the population is the U. S.. The numbers are declining. People are making the decision to eat less meat.

The world is a fun place sometimes. Heaven will be more fun.

Microsoft makes a program they call TMG (Threat Management Gateway). It is a firewall software more or less. It works for the most part. It is adequate for the intended purpose. Microsoft is discontinuing TMG. The software world has alternatives. They all have issues. Now we have to figure out how to use one of them. I cannot find out why? Microsoft says simply that they don't want to compete with existing software. What does that mean? It means that something to do with law going on. That or Microsoft doesn't want to deal with all the countries and governments in the world wanting the back door keys to their firewall systems. It will be more full of holes than the U. S. Mexico border.

Windows 8 will not have a start button. I don't care. As long as whatever interface that replaces it works for me, I'll use it. I have already used several interfaces that do not have a start menu or button or whatever you want to call it.

Amazon is officially publishing books, not just selling them. Major book chains are not stocking the books. If you want them, they will sell them to you. I like one of the commentators description of this effort to stifle competition. "It is like putting out a fire by putting out air freshener so no one smells the smoke."

It was almost too cold to run around outside without a jacket at lunch time. It was almost too warm for a jacket. The air is wet and kind of nasty.

One must have the proper attitude when shooting a video. You must think that it is possible and indeed allow yourself to enjoy the situation. You have to have the drive to get it done and be willing to continue when you are otherwise worn with the idea, the doing, tired of the speed bumps and potholes along the way. You must make your vision come alive. You must compromise, but not too much. Choose your battles carefully.

The UN says, in the form of a rule, governments have a responsibility to protect their citizens. That sounds obvious to me. This rule had to be enacted in 2005 after Rwanda. This rule should be applied to Syria. Russia and China have vetoed the votes. They call it regime change and say that it is western countries applying their morals to middle eastern countries. I as "Is that a problem?" I like our morals better than a government that wholesale slaughter of the citizens trapped in the country. It is simple. Russia and China are worried their sovereignty will some day be called to account.

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