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Economic terrorism

People keep talking about Greece. Some say they simply have to pile more debt on top of what they already owe. In other words, barrow more money to pay off the current investors (lenders). No one is lending thought. Greece simply says they need jobs and commerce to get any kind of solution under way. The rest of the world says that Europe is going to have to forgive Greece's debt and make sure they cannot run up the credit card any more. The Germans say they are not going to pay off the debt unless Greece relents to foreign control of the checkbook.

Greece says they will be happy to submit to another government's control just so long as the corruption and graft continue. I'm paraphrasing. People in Greece are getting a 30% reduction in pay on average and told that they just have to swallow it. This is on top of a high unemployment rate and things only getting worse. People want to flea the markets in Greece.

The only way to fix Greece is to make the entire country responsible. They as a people need to accept the idea of not letting corruption stand. They need to accept the idea of paying taxes. They need to understand that jobs go where the work is needed. If you do not generate a need, you will have no jobs.

We in the United States could learn this as well. We may have simply started in a better spot than Greece, but with all the borrowing that our country is doing, we will quickly fall in to a bad state. I'm not talking a generation down the road. I'm talking in a couple years. Something needs to give when it comes to the economic decisions being made in the U. S.. We cannot continue to swipe the card without worrying about the bills.

The term economic terrorism has been batted about. No matter what you call it, the U. S. cannot stomach a hit to the economy. If something happens to the value of U. S. curacy or our word is finally exposed to be as valuable as the politicians who made the promise, we are hosed. All it takes is the opinion of investors to turn south to sink the U. S. economy. right now, we don't really make enough things to grow our way out of a truly collapsed economy. We have already sold off the soft assets that might save us in the short term. There is little margin for failure. We are not even set up to ramp up the sale of things like oil or other natural resources to save ourselves. The only services the U. S. offers very well are illegal.

This country needs to slow the attention being paid to people walking through airports and start paying more attention to who we owe money to.

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