It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Facebook is pissing me off. I'm not getting all my updates from my friends and I haven't had time to figure out how to change settings as needed to make sure the information I want is making it to me. I don't have time to keep up with Facebook's bullshit.

There is another potential government shut down. That or there is not. They will just bitch loudly until the last minute and prevent things from shutting down. Nothing will change until an external force makes it happen. Unless aliens land or China drops a set, we are stuck in the status quo. Why are they covering this in the media.

My cough has gotten worse. For a long time I had a sniffle and was keeping the cough at bay. No longer. I had a fever moment last Saturday evening. I thought may have been the hump in this episode of disease. I was wrong. This is going to be one of those lingering things that takes a month to go away. The Nutty pot nose wash thing is helping greatly. Everyone should use one of these things. If only they had one for your lungs.

Lunch conversation today included "There is a USB version of everything." and "... nonalcoholic beer ...".

How long would you go hungry before you ate a cat? How long would you let your family go before you fed them a cat?

Our conference rooms are numbered A, B, C, D and R-656. I think there is another one. Apparently it is the conference room of many names.

Added the Linkedin app to my phone. Noticed I need to add a bunch of people and update my profile. It is the other and more important social networking platform.

Had to put together a couple machines for a new user. They will have to use both a cheap KVM and the button on the monitor to flip from one computer to the other. It will take some getting used to I'm sure. It is one of those things that would drive me nuts. In order to get one computer to look good, the other has to be kind or crappy. Or, they could both be crappy.

Frigging Facebook wouldn't let me embed or even properly link my YouTube videos with a thumbnail the last couple times. Bastards. This tyranny must end.

I just heard my own voice in my head and it sounded like it had a sore throat. Maybe it is time to hit the doctor.

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