It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Leave it at home

There are several topics you just should not talk about at work.


Politics is just a way to control the masses. To paraphrase a recent speech by the President "Shut up and get in line."

I cannot call myself a conservative because I am not religious. I care that people in government know that I am their boss. They are there to get the things done that I want done. They are there to protect me and my rights.

This is just plane not the way it works. Everyone seems to be out for their own interests and every one else and their consequences be dammed. This is not how you make a civilization work. The idea is to be out for yourself and the collective at the same time. This is how the long term balance is maintained.


I'm a heterosexual. I don't care if you are or not. Unless I need to know what you call yourself, keep it to yourself.

I've never been good at the whole human communication thing. This includes and is specifically bad when it comes to communication about sex and dominance. I'm just plane bad at it. My wife says I am oblivious to women hitting on me. I always have been.


Religion is an early attempt at controlling the masses. I believe in God not religion.

"If you don't believe in something, you will fall for anything." I heard that somewhere. It happens to be true. People who are loud about the absence of God in our lives are happy to believe in global warming or climate change or whatever they are calling it this year. The sun has more to do with our temperature, but no one wants to admit to being a sun worshiper.

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