It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



The kid who 'hacked' Palin's email account may face 50 years worth of charges. He didn't do anything but guess her shitty password. I really hope he gets in trouble. I'm not sure he should get a felony conviction. some think Palin should get a fine too.

That “Hitler Rants ...” video came from a movie called Pitfall. The film company is pulling the parody clips down with an automatic feature. They fall under fair use, so they should not be aloud to pull them down. I hate the videos because they annoy me. I don't care.

Twitter is getting on my nerves. I'm getting tweets from people I do not know. I assume this is some kind of advertisement, but it pisses me off. I cannot figure out how these people are able to talk to me without me approving it. I'm about five tweets from locking my feed so no one knows it is there.

I had two Palm Pilots. Both of them made me say “This thing needs to be on the internet.” Well, Palm sucked at getting the connectivity they needed. the scuttlebutt is that HP bought Palm to get patents and force Apple and others to pay HP for basically nothing.

The average American who reads books, reads at an eighth grade level. I'm guilty of this. Keep your sentences short.

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