It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Today's Notes

What to do with old boxes. I have three or four old computers that need to be recycled. I have no idea what to do with them. Some have batteries I really do not want to spend any money. Any ideas out there? I suppose I could make that sculpture I've been pondering for years.

There is a Commodore 64 emulator for the iPhone. Dammit. That means the Apple ][ can't be far behind. It comes with 4 old games.

A guy hit me up at lunch for some cash to get something to eat. I was on my way to McDonald's and didn't have any cash. I intended to get him some bergers, but when I stepped in line I released I had no card either. No lunch for me or the guy. never mind.

I don't think I've ever purchased a record. You know, one of those vinal flat things that old people used to put on turn tables? I cannot swear to it, but I really don't think I have ever put out money for one.

Sometime after lunch, visibility went to less than half a click for the rain. The wind was nuts too. Heck of a storm blew through.

Most stressful hectic day at work yet.

Why is Buffy the Vampire Slayer under Science Fiction on

Watched Halo Wars. It was a collection of cut scenes from a video game. That is how it felt anyway. I did not really like the direction. I did like the action scenes.

Hungry Kitty

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