It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Money Monday

Universities all over the country are reporting loses. They are talking tuition hikes across the board. Financial aid is getting scaled back at the same time. it has become too easy to get a degree. Not every one should get a degree in my opinion. People with degrees are taking jobs at Starbucks and the mall. They are displacing illegal aliens. Something must be done.

There wouldn't be a problem with illegal aliens getting health care if they had to pay taxes like I do. I want people to understand that there is no free health care. Someone else is just paying your bills. We should call it moocher health care. That might get the point across.

I have middle of the month bills to pay this evening. I don't know if the money is in the account. I'll figure out how much I can afford to pay when I start filling in the spreadsheet. I also have some Elle school expenses that ended up on the credit card. This happened at the end of last month and I did not want to tap the savings account. This sort of thing happens more now than ever before in my life. I have to juggle one account and pay bills late because the money is not there. So far I've managed to keep the wolfs from the door.

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