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HTML editing

I've used a bunch of HTML editors. The purists uses VIM. I just cannot remember all the tags and attributes. I need an editor that suggests or gives options for inserting code.

Open Office 3 has a poor HTML editor. It is better than Open Office 2. I have still not figured out how to set the column width with pixels. When  they say points, they mean 1/72 of an inch in Open Office. It is a Word Processor after all.

I've used the editor in SeaMonkey. I like it, but I do not want to install a gigabyte of program for a megabyte of usable code. Besides, you cannot insert objects and have them kept by the syntax jumble mechanism.

NVU or it's KDE front end, would not run past the menu bar without crashing. Useless.

BlueFish doesn't suck.

I wouldn't rehash this issue, except one of the guys at work has a nice little useful page on his computer that makes it easy for him to point people to documentation and reference materials. personally, I think we should all have a wiki page for this reason. It sounds like some other folks might start doing the same thing. I need to catch up.

I have no eye for design. There are blind people designing better looking pages than I can make. It is just not my bag.

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