It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Musing (do not read)

As two fields of presents approach each other varying fields of reality begin to interact with one another. Time is just the catalyst that allows motion and interaction. Time is simply the question being asked.

Matter does not exist. There are points in space where actions and rules apply.

Does space or matter exist? Think for a moment if they do not. Think for a moment if matter and space and time are nodes in a database. They have coordinates and attributes associated with them. As place and time colide or approach colision, different rules apply with different levels of intercity.

Think about the numbers. There is no right or wrong. There is movement, but the movement is change in the numbers in place and the rules that apply based on what numbers are associated with one another.

These are not tables, the database does not take up memory. The data is places kept in moments. The moments are created as needed. The points of reality  wink in and out of existence and memory. The numbers do not care. The points do not care. No one is punching the numbers in to some keypad. They roll and waves seem to wonder through the chaos. There is random order occasionally.

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