It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very local news

  • Didn't I mention that I hadn't gotten sick in a while? Well, guess what.
  • B. B. Sparkle stands for Baboon Butt Sparkle. Jake earned the BB part for the red scalp he came in to work with this morning. The Sparkle bit came from the glitter all over his face. Those both came from our party. Adam was spraying people with color hair spray in the back yard. At least he did it out there. Though the couches ended up with colors all over them. Elle made it to school with some pink still in her hair. Thanks Adam.
    Jake will hence forth will be called BB Sparkle. Well, if I have anything to say about it.
  • Time Machine is a backup software that does the grunt work for you.  It is nice. It is not revolutionary. Stop trying to make it sound like the best thing since the wheel.
  • Boot Camp lets you run Windows software on your Mac. I read that you are buying a license for Windows when you buy Mac OS. I believe it. Mac OS is really BSD with a nifty interface. That tells me MS has a version of Windows that runs well on a Unix platform. They should sell Windows for Linux.
  • SD Wireless card. Good idea. None of the software that lets it do anything cool works on Linux so screw em.
  • "The age of the megafire" Is just a scare tactic to get ratings. Fires have happened since before man. People managing fires over decades of putting out every fire causes more fuel for the megafire. As so many other things that happen around us, this too is our own path biting us on the ass.
  • I am a news junkie. I don't remember the last time I watched national news on TV. I watch the local news only for the weather and to figure out where the bad neighborhoods are.
  • Some guy in England pissed on a woman who collapsed in the street, then wen to a nightclub with his mates. One of whom videoed him for later publishing on the internet. The lady who had a bunch of medical problems, ended up dying. The guy who did the pissing got three years.
  • Thee is a movement at the BBC to influence presenters to speed proper English.

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