It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



I acquired an old notebook from a friend. It had Wincrap 98, 266 MHz, 256mb RAM.

Cat in laptop bag

The cat likes the bag.

I put xubuntu on the box. It runs surprisingly fast for such an old box. It does not recognize the sound card. No online radio. No reading articles aloud. Drag. It isn't going to do what I wanted it to do. One of these days I'll get some way to make it work. It or another system.

I had to shoe the cat out of the bag three times. He might smell the cats the owner has.

That cable is my wireless-less system. I had a hard time finding wireless connectors for my last laptop from several years ago so I started packing a 50 foot Ethernet cable. Works like a champ.

I'm downloading Fedora 8 live CD and install DVD as I type. I don't know if Fedora will fix anything. It's worth a try. It seems like yesterday that I updated to fedora 7. They are squeezing them out faster than Catholics these days.

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