It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Well, there are some troubles with the pictures. They don't all look clear, and one of them is turned 90 degrees. I'll get around to fixing them. Meanwhile I'll put some more on The next set of pictures will be of friends. I hope none of them get upset.

Between the eyes
I have a zit right between my eyes. My eyebrows come together in the middle a little bit. I have gray/blond eyebrows so it is hard to tell. It cracks me up how often I hit the zit. It turns out I take off my glasses and rub my forehead when I need a minute to think. That is probably where the zit came from in the first place.

Don't ask
This hillbilly lives in the woods. One day a city slicker comes by and asks "Where the action is in these parts?"
The hillbilly says "Well, there's a party tonight and you are invited."
The city slicker says "I'm there, what kind of party is it?"
The hillbilly says "Well, there is going to be some drinking, fighting, cussing, and sex. Can you handle that?"
"Sure, Who all's coming?" answers the city slicker.
"Well" says the hillbilly, "There's you, and there's me."

France heat
3000 people have been killed in France by the heat wave this month. The temperatures are in the nineties and low hundreds. No one over there seems to have air conditioning. I live in Houston. That is a typical August day here. Only we add ninety percent humidity to boot. If I were dropped in the forest of Canada even in the middle of August, I bet I would freeze to death the first night. I don't know how to cope. A report from Iraq said the temperature there is 125 Fahrenheit, more in spots. Now that is a desert temperature. That must be why the French hire solders from other areas for the Foreign Legion to fight in the deserts.

We had a meeting this afternoon for Tpro. Things are looking up. I have a challenging task to perform. It involves doing some things I know and doing some things I must learn. It is the whole reason I got into the Tpro scene. It is late and I need to pay bills. I need to do quite a few things. I hope I find the strength.