It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



One of the guys at work was talking about someone who showed him how to destroy his OS with a single click. His computer died and he had to reconstruct his OS. No warning. No are you sure. He had to reconstruct his OS and was able to pull files off the old hard drive. It made me think of my phone upgrade recently and not long before that doing a factory reset to fix some issues.  It freaked me out that I don’t keep much on my phone. Everything including most of my settings is kept in the cloud.

My cusin, the ex-cop, purchased a tiny drone. It does HD and she is going to put a laser pointer on it to do strafing runs on her cats. I told her to get a YouTube channel.

Surely, they can teach these automated landing craft not to park below a cliff where it can’t charge the batteries? This does not make me feel good about the whole automated car thing. Ten year mission in the toilet..

Diary of a Wimpy Kid came up in conversation today. Hadn’t heard of it until today.

At some point, you have to pay for your own shit. The goal of ACA is socialized medicine. Socialized medicine basically means the government says who lives and who dies. All decisions from that point become moot except “Are you going to kill me?”

Word of the day cherubic

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