It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



I wish Google Docs had a default zoom level. I would set it to 150% on computers and default on a phone. This will all go away when touch screens and pinching works properly.

Someone once saw me leave a bag of chocolate on a woman’s desk at my old employer. Someone had left the bag on my desk nearby and I just assumed it was meant for here. It turns out she had a stalker and I was nearly drug in to much larger mess just having done a good thing. No good deed goes unpunished. Fortunately I was well known as someone who laced the ambition of completing some of the bounds the stalker had achieved.

Second day in a row without a doodle. I’ll have to rectify that.

12 to 18 people came in contact with the Ebola patient before they quarantined him. Great. Well, no. More than that. They say that number does not include his flights or other contacts.

Oops. Racist lesbians. Hey, they are just people like the rest of us.

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