It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



I know people with a million dollars in the bank. I do not have this. They can afford to be liberal. I cannot.

ALS Ice Bucket challenge. Some say no on principle. I’m just broke. I pray for ALS research and I don’t have a problem with more aggressive research methods. I do draw lines, don’t get me wrong.

Using Evernote, I have 335 notes. I had a goal last week of adding five notes. Now I’m thinking I won’t pay any attention until I have 1000 or more. It is stressful trying to think of important things I need to remember every day to add to the database. I mean, what do I need to remember? That is a surprisingly difficult question.

Hollywood blasting Hamas? Am I dreaming?

China develops their own OS. Tells Microsoft (and by extension Apple) to go fuck itself.

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