It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



One in three Mexicans want to come to the U. S.. I cannot blame them, I would want to come to this country too. It is an exceptional country. I would also want them to do it legally.

When you hear the word “diverted” in legal documentation, think “stole” or “cheated out of”.

What is the point in locking a door any more?

Comcast says they do have an unlimited data plan. People can pay for as much as they want. There is no limit to how much it can cost.

Trigger pull. This helped me exactly zero. So, practice. I already knew that. Thanks.

I’m hearing a statistic. For every black male killed in the U. S. by a police officer, sixty are killed by other black males.

It is difficult for cops to retire because the life is a whole life. You have to dedicate yourself to the career to survive. Once you are out of the loop, you are out.

Bowing is bringing up the durable goods numbers. This means fuckall.

Photographers are not the customers on Gawker. They simply provide a commodity much like a drilling platform delivers oil to a refinery.

Race trumps child molestation. The authorities didn’t want to make a fuss because the perpetrators were Asian. By Asian they probably mean Pakistani or in some way Middle Eastern. Many of the victims were young white girls. it wasn’t PC you see. (an excellent opinion on the matter)

Puting the “real” in reality. How many people have died shooting reality TV of some kind?

But Sweetie, we only got one case.

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