It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



The Chinese are moving to robots. They have rising labor cost. They also have a high suicide rate amounts workers. People have cracked jokes about the robots sounding like that depressed robot from Hitchhiker Guide. The companies in China basically say that they are not getting rid of people. They are moving people up the value chain. I wonder if that chain leads out the door. I use an LG phone. It was made in one of the factories.

Foursquare sucks. Not the service. I mean getting the notifications of "I'm here!" every three minutes in Twitter. At least in Facebook you can block Foursquare. I haven't noticed any in g+, but I have noticed location information on posts. That just worries me. You can get a map of where people were when they made posts by clicking on their profile.

Check the firewall settings before you start installing or un-installing anything.

Once there was a guy who made BBQ out of the back of a truck. Then 500,000 other's joined him and all moved to Los Angeles. Apparently, they have a glut of food trucks.

Spent something like a grand on the house and $15 on the car headlight today.

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