It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Writer rules of thumb

I heard these this morning on the Writer's Almanack. I haven't given up on writing anything in my life. I haven't given up on the harmonica. I haven't given up on science. I haven't given up on religion. These are some tools to allow one to make content that grabs people.

  • Constructing scenes
  • Dialog and lots of it
  • Social status details how one talks to superiors and inferiors, dress
  • Point of view, putting the reader in the head of someone other than the writer

Of all things in this world that I want to do, I want to write something. Not just one thing. I want to write a lot of things. It is too bad that I stink at it. The purpose behind this blog is to scratch that itch. It has not done its job lately. I haven't been putting anything up that is creative. I'm a bit ashamed of that.

The task should be fun It should seem like relaxing to write something fictional. It feels like work. If it doesn't seem like fun, than it should feel like the right thing to do. Or, perhaps, it should feel like feeding an addiction.

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