It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Human Target is a TV show that it seems like I would like. Trouble is, I don't like ti. I'm not sure why. I don't get in to the characters. I don't get in to the gadgets or the plots. I don't feel any of the relationships.

No Ordinary Family is the same way. I hate the show. I'm so sick of the whole super hero out of water thing. I have only watched a couple episodes. I hate the characters. I want bad things to happen to them. I want the family to suffer. This is not what you are supposed to want with this show. You are supposed to like the family members. You are supposed to be rooting for them. I can't tell if I want them all to die in some sort of industrial accident or just all wind up in a super Villon prison having been framed by a mundane who none of them have met.

"Let's throw in a couple teenagers. That will suck in a whole demographic." Bah!

People with kids prefer episodic based stories. People without kids don't mind watching long term arc kind of shows like LOST. I've heard this same comparison with old and young, smart and dumb, liberal and conservative and purple and green. I just don't think it is real. There are shows that work better with a long term arc kind of style and some shows that work better solving most problems in an hour or so.

I like Archer. I like the characters. I like the adult angst. I like the cheap relationships. I like the drunk mom running things. She is only there because she fucked her way to the top. She is currently banging the leader of the Russian version of the same organization. There is a better funded rival organization. Are these guys on the U. S. side at all, or are the independent mercenaries? The animation is terrible. I like the show.

Castle is pretty cool. I watch it, but I don't really get in to it. I just don't care about the sexual tension between the two characters. I do watch the show.

The Big Bang Theory rocks. I get the characters. The love interest relationship crap doesn't get in the way of geeks being geeks that much. It is well balanced. The best character is from East Texas. What is not to like? I can never catch it on TV. I have to wait for the show to turn up a full season at a time on DVD from friend's collections. They just renewed this show for like three years. That never happens.

Then comes the mindless dribble from Fox. I watch The Simpson's, American Dad and Family Guy for the laughs. The shows have little redeeming entertainment value beyond laughing at stupid jokes. That is good enough if I'm honest. Not every show can tug on the heart or brain. Some are only good for a jab in the ribs. So be it.

It's Always Sunny in Philly. I'm waiting for one of the characters to kill the other. I'm a big fan of Davido for some reason. I like to be disgusted by him. It is a bad thing, but here we are.

Wonder why I don't watch TV any more.

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