It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Libya. How many thousands of people have died in the protests and already, it is dropping in the conciseness of the world stage. What is going to happen when people cannot hold a thought longer than a breath? I'm ashamed of myself for falling in to the hole of wanting to read about Sheen over Gaddafi. It has nearly gotten to the point that people don't want to watch either situation for fear of perpetuating the situation with their attention.

It cracks me up. Do you remember those good banks and bad banks they were splitting all the loans in to a year ago or more? Ya, I didn't either until I heard the news stories this morning. Well, the good banks are loosing their shirts and the bad banks are turning a profit. Figures. These billionaires are lucky, not smart.

We have a seven year old CD printer at work. We are trying to upgrade people's computers. The printer/duplicator will not work in Vista or 7. The last update to the driver was 2004. The CD burning bit of the device does not work any more. The printer keeps chugging along. The company has newer versions of the same thing that have been discontinued. We are now a couple generations down the line. I think it is time to upgrade. Try convincing the management.

Windows XP doesn't work any more. There are zombie machines out there that seem like they are working. People simply can't smell the difference.

Frankenstein Monster is science fiction. Dammit!

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