It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Lunch conversation

I came in late because I was planning on taking a sick day. The other IT guy was also out so I came in. I felt like garbage all day. I was able to function though. Nat came up for lunch. It was nice.

  • Movies
    • Who did and didn't have a crush on Molly Reinwald.
    • Rat Pack vs Brat Pack. The generational differences.
    • Which of the Brat Pack are still working.
  • Alvera plants that we are trying to salvage.
  • Good wine vs bad wine and price.
  • Metro Lift paperwork, doctors appointments and logistics.

As far as the afternoon break went, I sat in my office and finished my sandwich. I was far too brain dead to hold down a conversation by this point. I really only came in to work today to cover any disasters that popped up. I was a wreck by the end of the day.

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