It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Earth Quake and Tsunami

You can get the news anywhere. I'm going to post my two cents.

I have cousins in California. I think some of them live near the water. This is the danger zone. By the time you read this, it is assuredly all over for that area. It is Okay thought. It is still worth putting the thoughts down for the world to stumble across.

One of my cushions used to live in Hawaii. She moved back to California last time I checked.

japan is one of the most prepared countries for earth quakes. The news prattles on about all the damage. A nuclear plant lost a cooling system. Hundreds of buildings are badly damaged. At last count the death tole was over 35. That is an early number. It would be great if the number did not climb, but I fear it will.

I listened to Geek News Central podcast from Thursday evening this morning. The recording was made before the earth quake happened. The guy who does the podcast is in Hawaii. I can't wait to hear his version of things early next week.

My aunt is the one I check with to find out if everyone on that side of the family is Okay. She gets returned text messages. No one returns my inquiries. This is normal. Every time I open my mouth in the family arena, I piss people off. The trouble is that I only open my mouth when I have something to say and no one wants substance. They all prefer fluff.

Hopefully all the bad stuff goes away, every one learns lessons and the next time things bad happen, we will apply what we learned and the task of surviving and moving forward will prevail.

Is there any evidence that one earth quake along that line in the west Pacific will beget another? I've heard people talk about this, but I've noticed no evidence. Any one heard of other activity along that fault, or other faults recently?

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