It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


In other news

The light was fixed at my bus stop this morning. I noticed two near misses. In an unrelated story I witnessed a red ford pickup have a blow out on a front tire and drag the rim all over the place with sparks flying. It was quite hair raising. Well it would be if I had hair. As far as I could tell, the driver was able to get pulled over without further incident.

On the way home, it was raining. I left work half an hour early because I have too many hours. I got caught in the worst of the rain. I was soaked. I planned on taking the bus, but Nat ended up coming to get me. She had to stop before Hays street because of high water on Westheimer. I walked through a bunch of it to meet her there. If I had waited until the normal time, I would have missed the bad part. The light was out again as we passed the morning bus stop. We just can't win around here.

My cloths are in the washer along with my boots. I have no idea if they will survive the washing process, but that water is so filthy that I'll take the chance. I have no idea how to dry the boots later. I'll worry about that in a bit. ... The boots are thumping around the dryer. I hope there are no holes or dents when I check on the load in a bit.

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