It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Almost Run Over Again

This time someone blatantly ran the red light and hit me as they blew trough the intersection. If I had been six inches further along, they would have hit me with the front of the bumper and I would have been badly injured. They didn't stop. I couldn't get my phone out in time to get their plate. I know they know they hit me because they stopped for a second on the other side of the intersection and looked around. Their buddy they were blowing around was in a dark blue or gray Chevy pickup. The car that hit me was some small gray/silver sedan. There aren't a million of those running around.

I hope they rot in hell, yadda-yadda. On with my life.

When I'm 57

The U. S. A. will be 250 years old. I vaguely remember the bicentennial from when I was a child. It was a good year for the fourth of July. Will nay one care when it is 250 years? They don't seem to care much now. Will I make it to 57? There are so many adventures that one might do me in before I get there. Will I be in one piece? Will I be better than I am today? Will the world be a better place? Will everything be the same?

Lunch Conversation

Today there were only about six guys in the lunch room when I ate. We mentioned our poor communication skills when it came with dealing with out significant others when it comes to meals. "What do you want for dinner?" means "You better want the first thing I say, or else." Then there is the sort of spouse who doesn't like to eat until late. This causes grouchiness which delays eating more. One of the others (and me)_ have ADD and can only do one thing at a time. We find ourselves immersed in our current thing (him - games, me - blogging) and our spruces just don't get that we kill ourselves all day and just want to let go when we get home.

Then a bunch of people came in the lunch room and I left. I have the hardest time with a crowd all talking at once. I just don't like hanging around. I had Taco Bell for lunch and it nearly did me in. I have decided that KFC and Taco Bell are two places that I should just let fall in to my history of being. I don't need to eat at either of those two places to make it through the rest of my life. Hopefully The Demolition Man prediction of Taco Bell culinary domination will not come true.

Written 2007-05-03

Semi Questions

How many miles do you get out of a long haul semi?
What kind of mileage do semis get these days?
How much does one cost?
What kind of insurance costs are there now?
What is the stopping distance of a fully laded semi?
What is the 0 to 60 of a fully loaded semi?
Are those camper bits on the back really worth the effort? I've heard some of them are quite lavish. There have been some out at Faire camping. Their generators tend to be quieter.
I have no intention of answer any of these. Just putting it out there.


I went for a walk today. I mailed bills. I lost my apatite after adding up how much everything came out. I spoke with Nat for a while on the phone. I walked through Randal's and Target. I nearly died crossing the street coming back. I had to walk down to the light to get across the street which meant I had to walk through some dense mud at a construction site. There is a sidewalk under the mud, but that doesn't help much. Now I'm leaving muddy foot prints all over the place. Oh, and I'm hungry. Frigging lunch.

I'm planning on being a grump the rest of the day.

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