It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Absent Minded Professor
I can tell when I'm multiprocessing. No, not multitasking, there is a difference. Multitasking is doing more than one thing at the same time. Multiprocessing is working out multiple questions in your head at the same time. When I get up from my chair and start to walk to another room to do something and I end up turning around three times in a space of three meters. Even though I've only been standing for five seconds, I have completely forgotten why I got up. It is a kind of absent minded professor syndrome. That is the old story of a college professor who walks out of his front door with his briefcase, lesson plan, lunch and no pants. I would say it is an early sign of dementia, but I've done it all my life. I think I've managed to do this action about twenty times today.

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