It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



I wonder if Ted Cruz will bring NASA back to Texas? Somehow I doubt it because he has tried to cut science funding in the past. I wonder if it will simply shrivel up and die on his watch.

Funny how our overlords can stop cartoons from being published, but not bomb instructions. I think freedom is freedom, but you know, no one listens to me.

Scientific method. A great explanation of the Scientific Method. It is very important to know and practice. It works well in so many parts of life. I use the concept of elimination in bugging software. Worth a listen. You might just learn something. If there is no way to disprove a thing than it is not a fact, it is not science.

Mad scientist. Never heard this until today. Sea Monkeys to Super Soaker, invented by an anti semitic white supremacist nut job. (podcast)

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