It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Jed might run. I have to say that I do not like the idea of another of any family that has had someone run for president running again. Clinton, or Bush or whomever, I simply wish they would step aside and let someone else take the reins.

IRS employee will soon find his hard drive crashed during the time he was breaking the law.

I’m told the U. S. troops currently in Iraq cannot leave their base.

It is just a matter of time before this sort of crap starts happening on the streets of home town U. S. A.. It is inevitable. We need to ban machetes and chainsaws now to get an early jump.

I need some cheap sunglasses.

Some guy had an altercation at the drink dispenser at McDonalds. He threw a drink and called someone a bitch and stormed out of the restaurant. It had been a while since I had witnessed such a thing.  It is funny, I thought about what to do if there was gunplay or if there was screaming. There was a family with the typical little boy who was all about the Hulk between me and the impending violence. This distracted me from filming with my phone. The upset man left and I don’t think anyone was hurt. Not sure if the police were called or not. I did notice for the first time the cameras bubbling out of the ceiling in the dining area.

I need to learn how to properly use keyframes in video editing. I have a vague idea how they work, but no practice. The couple of times I tried were a long time ago and Kdenlive crashed before i got much out of it.

American Gods. Need to read the 2011 version of this.

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