It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Got up this morning. Elle is a teenager. She has hit that place where she is a dragass frustrated vagabond who wants to scratch all the wrong itches. She isn’t that bad. Still, she moans and belly aches every time you I or Nast speak to her. Ah, parenthood. It isn’t like this happened some time last night. It has been an evolution for a while now.

I wish I was this creative. Skippy’s list. And dedicated. It takes a dedicated mind to be this much of a distraction to everyone else.

I put my phone on a folded paper towel on my desk because when it vibrates the whole desk acts like an amplifier. When I put the phone on top of my wooden monitor stand on top of the wooden desk, it sounds like a truck driving by on a bad road. The folded paper towel seems to do the job of stifling the noise.

The trouble with Instagram is that it is not so instant. The interface drags you through photo settings and comments in separate screens with a next button between them. It is kind of clunky. I also hate the limitation of a square picture. I didn’t think I would care, but I really do. I only joined to comment on someone elses picture. I’m following a bunch of people who are boring. I think the idea was to make a twitter where you would accompany every post with a quick picture. Feels more like a limitation than a freedom to me.

I have a rule. Never start anything after 17:00 wihtout arm twisting involved.

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