It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Failing to get organized

Giving up on mRemote. It is a couple years out of date. It looks like the program has been taken commercial. Typically when this happens, someone continues working on the open source program and at least dealing with security issues. Not this time. Besides, It has issues with my multiple desktop program.

I'm looking in to Terminals. It is open source and there for more likely to be updated even after the people who created it give up on it.

Well, Terminals conflicts even worse with Finest, my multiple desktop program. It also does not appear to play nice with VNC on Linux. It requires a password be stored in the program to make SSH work apparently. I can't figure out folders. Can't get my X to point properly.

After playing with them, I'm giving up on them all. Using native apps and manual organization. That means I'm just running the individual programs and remembering the server information.

Hit the windows button, type in "putty" for SSH and "remote" for Remote desktop. Then, just type in the name of the server. For VNC I have to type in "tight" and run down to viewer. No biggy.

It amazes me how often I have to jump to another computer while doing everything all day long.

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