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YouTube tags

I wonder if I need to go look at my tags on YouTube and make sure the comas are in the right places. It just might make a difference. I will learn the proper way of dealing with these key words the same way I learn about everything else. I will try to hunt down other people to learn from and then I'll Google it.

After some quick experimentation, I find that it indeed makes a difference where the commas lay. I have some 230 videos. I'm learning about this now? It looks like I have a new hobby. I must now go through at least some of my videos and fix the placement of commas. This will require time and learning. Just what is the difference between a tag word and a tag phrase?

These tags are very important if you give a crap about people finding your videos. I get some pretty good numbers on videos that have attractive tags. I often go back and review tags just to make sure something has not been overlooked. This is going to be a chore.

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