It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Apple and Jobs

Steve Jobs has died. I respectfully prey for his family and friends well being.

I am not a fan boy. Apple didn't invent much. They took existing stuff and made it much more user friendly. They didn't marry the mouse and the computer. They didn't invent visual interface for computers. Xerox did that if memory serves. Apple did bring these things to the masses. Apple did and does still charge a high price.

Apple computer is a company that says "Give them what they want and charge them for it." Any company that follows that path will be successful as long as they don't screw it up. Apple is a company. Apple is not benevolent. Apple is not your friend. Disney had some kind of higher status once. For a very long time after Walt Disney died, the Disney corporation enjoyed this status. Then Disney made a bunch of movies and products that reminded people they are just out for money. Now Disney is just another evil corporation.

Did I mention that I'm not a fanboy? A fanboy (fanperson) is someone who thinks Apple products are wonderful and every version must be purchased the moment it comes out. With the announcement of the iPhone 4S, I've noticed this trend has already fallen off a bit. Someone who I follow in the tech world has already said the new iPhone just isn't all "that". He might upgrade just because he has a free upgrade coming.

One of the new features of the iPhone 4S is the button used for the camera just takes a picture when you press it regardless of where you are in the interface. There was an app that did this already. Apple banned them from the iTunes store. Then stole their idea. Kind of a douchebag thing to do if you ask me.

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